Personal chatbot with custom ux, easy model switching, and prompt templates. Switch between the latest versions of Chat-GPT, Llama, Claude, and Mistral models. Save prompt templates to add context to your interactions.

Next.js icon
React icon
TailWind icon
LangChain icon
Supabase icon

Give yourself superpowers πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

I built on the Chat portion of langchain-nextjs-template to create a personal chatbot. To tailor to my needs, I added an animated ux, leveraged LangChain for easy model switching, and added prompt templates. Switch between the latest versions of Chat-GPT, Llama, Claude, and Mistral models. Save prompt templates to add context to your interactions. Finally, I wrapped it wit Supabase Github and Gmail authorization.

Save Prompt Templates

Context gained through an illustrative prompt, is the key to a successful chatbot. Save your prompts as templates for easy re-use. I use mine as a coding tutor and personal coach with the appropriate context for successful, precise results. templates

Model switching

LangChain implemented for easy switching between models. llm select

Monitor Usage

Using LangSmith, keep track of inputs, outputs and even monitor tokens and view price per interaction.

Langsmith Use Stats

Fun UI

Animated icons and pink UI because they make me happy. 😊

Try it Now!

Try it out at and you can sign in with any Gmail or Github account.